
Reviewer: Bawane Pallavi Madhukar (F.Y.B.PHARM)

Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation’s College of Pharmacy

In this arrival, I have tried my level best to analyze the Bhagavad Geeta to lead a successful life and at the end to get rid of from this mate-rialistic world by planning their lives to achieve moksha i.e,to get relived from the vicious cycle of births and death, In this world, most of the people are trying to earn money to become rich by hook or crook in the short period by not hesitating to adopt unfair methods and running behind it which gives only temporary pleasure and comforts. Thus, majority of people are planning to achieve only comforts and luxuries which are unrealistic andmortal one day Or other. Very very rarely, few people in crores of population are planning for Moksha which is eternal. Majority of the people are inillusion that the materialistic comforts in this world are real, and not even trying to get rid of from this mortal world. In Bhagavad Geeta,Lord Krishna gave a wonderful message to the public through Arjuna about the mysteries of world and how to lead a meaningful life by following ” Dharma”.

Bhagavad Geeta is not just for Arjuna but it  is for the It covers topics such  as how to  control  wants, to know about soul, about God, practice of yoga, Devotion  and  Mokshaetc. Lord Krishna gave message that,”Truth can never be destroyed, so one should  not be  afraid of telling truth and doing good. All desires, feeling and thoughts are born in mind which leads to attachment, a cause of anger. Desire and anger are the greatest enemies of a person. ” Person’s good friend and enemy is a person himself, one must put efforts to raise himself”.Gieeta teaches the way of life, but there is misconception in understanding about ‘not having wants’ mentioned in Bhagvad Geeta. According to the teachings of Geeta, wants are bound to exist. Arjun asked questions to Lord Krishna out of desire, Lord explained in detail. So having wants is not a problem but one should have a full control over his wants. Whether one should be after wants or not is in the hands  of  concerned person. Harming anyone to fulfill desire is wrong. Desires create Pressure and one must be discliplined to say no to all unjust desires. Geeta explains a justifoable and the right way to fullfill wants. The essence of Bhagavaf Geeta is explained how to live our life  in happiness.

Thank you

Bawane Pallavi Madhukar


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भगवद्गीता : जीवनाला मार्गदर्शक ग्रंथ
Ishwar Kanse

Ishwar Kanse

January 13, 2025January 24, 2025

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