Dhanvate Shubhangi Jivan, M.Sc-Sinhgad College of Science,Pune Set at a time when a rule in india was passage to india end of British looking imminent, difficultie deals with the of freindsphips beth the and the subjugated. ruling class It also examines the
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Dhanvate Shubhangi Jivan, M.Sc-Sinhgad College of Science,Pune
Set at a time when a rule in india was passage to india end of British looking imminent, difficultie deals with the of freindsphips beth the and the subjugated. ruling class It also examines the difficulty that outsiders her people face in understanding india & sahebs- the ones rrived & those who who have just arrived have been long time Create Living in india for all desparately “home” in in an try to alein hand the frustration they feel is in large part due to cultural difference. The need of the indian to be polite & accomendation Condsider a to anyone who is guest is such that direct” No” is This leads to Frustrations hever option. mis understand India by itself is divided along lines of religions f caste it is climate when two indians of different religion find it difficult to become friends But both Mrs. Moore and Adela Quested want to see and experience the real india Forster friendships – examines the between men and women and ruler concept of liconcepttu indians, between beth indian & britishers- isks if friendship is possible Aziz is young a man. attached subjugated beth respected doctor & well-liked. Rather idealistic, he gets to Mrs Moore and wants to do his best be nice to her, when adela and mrs moore express CL wish to see india. Aziz offer to take see with the marabar caves 3 children. he find connection with hos Mrs them to A widower a great moore who also 3 children. even though he meets her only two that they have or three times, he
believa- a great connection. and considers her a very good friend, Once adela makes her accusation, th political climate in chandrapore changes completely & the entire town is divided. Aziz maintains his innocence f my symphathies lay with his completly for I was his innocence convinced of But the entire british populations rises up in own anger that one of their has been harmed tr Fielding the headmaster of the college only one is the who believes Aziz and risks. reputation to see justice done So that really happend in those caves? Is Azis really innocent? & how will this by this incident? navigates the accusation affected deftlye hips i- politics & frie in this difficult situations
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