The novel is primarily told from the perspective of Keshav Rajpurohit, a young man who works as a tutor in an engineering college. Keshav’s life is marked by personal disappointments, including his failure to get into a prestigious college and his troubled
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The novel is primarily told from the perspective of Keshav Rajpurohit, a young man who works as a tutor in an engineering college. Keshav’s life is marked by personal disappointments, including his failure to get into a prestigious college and his troubled romantic history. His story begins to unfold when he is invited to meet his ex-girlfriend, Zara, who was previously a student in his class and had been an important part of his life. Zara is now in a relationship with another man, and the two have a strained, yet still significant, connection.
The novel’s central event occurs when Zara is found dead in Room 105, which happens to be a guest room in the hostel where she stayed. Initially, her death is assumed to be a suicide, but Keshav becomes suspicious and believes there’s more to the story. The narrative then moves into the realm of crime investigation, with Keshav trying to piece together the mystery of Zara’s death. As Keshav unravels clues, the plot delves into various societal issues, including religious intolerance, political corruption, and identity struggles.
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