This particular book is an exemplary masterpiece of the author – Mr Virender Kapoor by Matrix Publishers House, New Delhi [2011]. The title of the book [The Rise & Rise of Jugaad – How ordinary people become extraordinary successful] is very tricky in nature and but also rather appealing to the reader. As a person of ambivert nature, my initial thoughts towards the book due to the title were bit dicey; the book might be depicting some approach of easy success and which may result in the doom. But after the modest glance of the book, my thoughts totally changed and positioned me at the very new contemporary outlook in life. This particular book is for the simple man – in the sense with no intention to teach to deceive anybody, and also but not teach to be the target of misery of anybody.
The speciality of this book is totally different from any other book, it was this book – which initially had a title and cover page, but unfortunately no contents. This was the only title – Jugaad, which really inspired the writer to formulate the outstanding contents to the book. This particular book is designed for every human being, irrespective of his background – who has a desire to travel from the destination of ineffectiveness to effectiveness or simply from normal to remarkable.
The best part of this book is that – its content is not something imaginative or impractical, but every content and context of the book is linked to the practical inspiring implications of real life. According to my personal view, there might not any problem or an issue, whose solution has not been provided in the book. The book is actually the valuable key – which actually streamlines one’s perception in life. The book basically makes the reader realize about his personal uniqueness and convinces him to act as an optimistic achiever.
The language of the book is very simple and lucid and besides the easy prose, the author has also referred to few local language idioms to catch the reader’s attention like “Aaal is Well” and many more.
Thus, the book is a must read book – not for the sake of reading, but to revolutionize one’s life and hoping that the writer’s purpose of the book to bring positive transformation among every Indian will be sufficed.