Book Review By: Dahikamble Sangram Shravan, Librarian, SKN Sinhgad Institute of Technology & Science, Lonavala. MINDSET: CHANGING THE WAY YOU THINK TO FULFIL YOUR POTENTIAL Behavior of successful People 1. Compliment 2. Have a sense of gratitude 3.
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Book Review By: Dahikamble Sangram Shravan, Librarian, SKN Sinhgad Institute of Technology & Science, Lonavala.
Behavior of successful People
1. Compliment 2. Have a sense of gratitude 3. Forgive others 4. Give other people credit for their victories 5. Accept responsibility for their failures 6. Read Every day 7. Keep a journal 8. Talk about Ideas 9. Want others to succeed 10. Sate information and data 11. keep A to be list 12. Exude Enjoy 13. Set goals and develop life plans 14. Embrace change 15. continuously learn.
Behavior of Unsuccessful People
1. Criticize 2. Have a sense of entitlement 3. Hold a grudge 4. Take all the credit of their victories 5. Watch TV every day, 6. Blame others for their failures 7. Say they keep a journal but really don’t. 8.Think they know it all 9. Fear Change 10. Fly by their seat of their pants 11. Operate from a transaction perspective 12. Talk about people 13. Secretly hope others fail 14. Horde information and data 15. Don’t know what they want to be. 16. Exude anger 17. Never set goals
The difference between successful and unsuccessful people was my understanding of the mindset. zin fact this variation came to my mind when the speaker questioned us. Are you aware of the fixed mindset vs Growth mindset?
This image is brilliant. It tells us what the successful people do. The image depicts the actions performed by the successful people however it misses communicating the story on how does one start doing things that successful people do. It’s this gap that the Mindset book bridges beautifully.
The primary focus of the book is to facilitate Growth Mindset thinking and being able to apply this thinking in various aspects of life.
The 1st 3 chapters focus on establishing what a Growth Mindset and how is it different from Fixed Mindsets.
At the root of Growth mindset lies the fact that anything and everything can be learned, mistakes happen and one learns from them rather than blaming oneself or others for mistakes, challenges are looked forward to, change is embraced.
The next 4 chapters focus on applying the Growth Mindset across various sectors such as Sports, Business, Family & relationship and parenting. There are numerous examples quoted on how the Growth Mindset made differences to the lives of individuals. There are examples from the life of Michael Jordon and his growth mindset, Enron and how Enron failed to embrace change which lead to their downfall, a few experiments conducted on students to demonstrate how Growth Mindset helped them in doing better at studies etc.
The last chapter focuses on cultivating the Growth Mindset thinking and being able to apply it on a day to day basis. It begins with identifying once fixed mindset thinking, being aware of when they kick in and being able to overcome them by moving towards growth mindset thinking.
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