Volpone, comedy in five acts by Ben Jonson, performed about
and published in 1607. Volpone a wealthy Venetian
without heirs, devises a scheme to become wealthier by playing on
peopl greed. With the complicity of his servant Mosca
Volpone pretends to be near death
About the Plot volpone is a comedy play by English playwright Ben Jonson first
produced in 1605–1606, drawing on elements of city comedy and
beast fable. A merciless satire of greed and lust, it remains Jonson
most-performed play, and it is ranked among the finest Jacobean era
comediesAbout the CharacterisationVolpone a greedy and rich childlessVenetian magnifi his servantVoltore a lawyer
(the Raven) – an avaricious old miser
Bonario – Corbaccison a merchant
Celia – Corvin wife
Sir Politic Would-Be – ridiculous Englishman and husband of LadyWould-Be
Lady Would-Be (the parrot) – English lady and wife of Sir PoliticWould-Be
Peregrine another, more sophisticated, English traveller
Nano – a dwarf, companion of Volpone
Androgyno – a hermaphrodite, companion of Volpone
Castrone – a eunuch, companion of Volpone
The Avocatori – the judges of Venice
About the themes:
Thematically, the play Volpone is all about greed. Every action of the
characters Volpone, Mosca, Voltore, Corbaccio, and Corvino is
motivated by greed. From the opening of the play, the theme of greed
is clear. Volpone is shown praising his gold using religious imagery.
About Overall analysis
Volpone insists on disguising himself and having it announced that he
has died and willed his wealth to Mosca, which enrages the would-be
heirs Voltore, Corbaccio and Corvino, and everyone returns to court
to dispute the will of Volpone, who becomes entangled in the
circumstances of the plots that he and Mosca devised. Despite
Volpone pleas, Mosca refuses to relinquish his new role as a rich
man. Volpone reveals himself and his deceits in order to topple the
rich Mosca. In the event, Voltore, Corbaccio, Corvino, Mosca and
Volpone himself finally are punished.
Your Opinion:
Ben Jonso play Volpone was one of his biggest hits and helped re-
establish him as a significant literary figure. Some scholars believe
that Jonson used the play as a way to resolve a conflict between his
violent past and his more conservative views on life and art.
Compare with Similar works:
The greatest difference between Ben Jonson On My First Son" and
Song to Celia" is that the former is written in a mournful tone about
the loss of a child, while the latter is written in a joyful and
celebratory tone about romantic affection.
Appreciation/ Critique:
Much-studied and frequently performed, this comedy by the great
Elizabethan playwright Ben Jonson satirizes the greed, mendacity,
gullibility, and pretension of seventeenth-century London society. In
Volpone (1605), a crafty rich man attempts to augment his wealth by
feigning a mortal illness.