Book Review: Gavit Prenjal Sunil, Electronics Sci dept. MGV’s Loknete Vyankatrao Hiray Arts Science and Commerce College Panchavati Nashik
Digital fundamentals book is Sold Subject to the Condition that it shall not by way of trade or otherwise be lent, result, hived out. or otherwise Circulated without the publisher’s perior written. Consent in any form of biriding or Cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar Condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser and without limiting the rights under Copyright reserved above, no part of this publice -Hon may be reproduced, stored in ox introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise). without the prior written permission of both the Copyright ower and the above-mentione -d publisher of this book.
This is the eighth edition of Digital Fundamentals. As with previous editions, it provides Comprehensive coverage in a clear, Straightforward, and well-illustrated format. Many topics have been strengthened ar enhanced, and numerous improvements can be found. throughout the book. This edition further reflects the shift from fixed function logic devices to programmable logic devices (PLDs) by introducing programmable logic in chapter 1 and Continuing with a complete Section in many chapters devoted to the topic of PLD. As before the programming of PLD using the ABEL hardware description language is covered in two chapters. A new chapter on digital Signal processing has been added. Also a new text design and layout enhance the text’s appearance and usability.
You will probably find more topics in this text than you can cover in a sigle Course. This Yan- ge of topics provides the flexibility to accommodate a variety of program requirements. For example, some of the design-oriented or system application topics. may not be appropriate in some courses. other progra-ms may not cover PLD or ABEL. while Some may hot have time to discuss microprocessors or digit al signal processing. Also, there are programs that may not need to delve into the details of ” inside. the-chip” circuitry. these and other topics can be omitted or covered lightly without affecting the Coverage of the fundamental topics. A background in transistor Circuits is not a prerequisite for this. book.
This revision of Digital Fundamentals has been realized by the combined work and Skills of many people. I think that we have accomplished what we set out to and that was to further improve an already very successful textbook & make it even more Useful to the student. Those at prentice Hall who have, as always. Contributed a great amount of time talent and effort to move this project through its many phases in order to produce the book as you See it include but are not limited to Rex Davidson, Kate Linsner, and Dennis willi -ams
Digital Fundamental is best-selling text. recognized as the authority on the fundamentals. of digital electronics for nearly a quater of a Century provides complete up to date coverage from the basic Concepts to the leatest in digi -tal Signal processing. Thomas L. Floyd’s Combined as an engineer and educator spans nearly three decades and clearly speaks through each of his outstanding texts.
Language is simple and almost all important topics are handled in this book It is very helpful to understand Fundamentals of digital systems.