Daily Inspiration from the Monk who sold his Ferrari


Review By Dr. Misar Medha Sunil, Assistant Professor, Baburaoji Gholap College, Pune
This book is one of the best sellers in the world and was written by a notable author. It includes a collection of quotes to be read on each day of the calendar year. The quotes are taken from the author’s own series of books titled ‘The Monk who sold his Ferrari’. All the quotes inspire us and give lessons to mindfully behave with the correct approach in life every day with introspection and inspiration.
They mention the qualities one should possess in our doings so as to create a desirable impact of our achievements. They teach us to pass our learnings to others and thereby leave a legacy to continue these aspects. They mention the attributes required to become personally great. Though we are destined to die, we must remember that we live every day. We should identify a special purpose of life and according work towards fulfilling it. We should not forget the similar authentic powers we all had when we were born; and take conscious efforts not to stray away from them while dreaming and doing something different. During our life we may come across failures or pain or tragedies or adverse situations. But we need to take them in our stride and proceed further thereby emerging as a stronger person. Simultaneously, we must learn about human nature, how to be a leader, and how to act to build a character with honor for self and others. All these are some of the qualities one needs to imbibe mentioned in the book. The quotes focus on what is real success and best practices to achieve the extraordinary. They highlight the importance of building relationships in life, enjoying life’s journey with acceptance, and taking appropriate pauses.
The quotes in total provide numerous examples of eminent personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Albert Einstein, Nelson Mandela; natural amenities and phenomena like spring, environment, rainstorms, sun, moon, and stars; principles of personnel like kid, parent, friend or philosopher; and situational stories like unchained monkeys or gambler in Vegas, etc. These examples immediately link connectivity with the teachings in the quotes and motivate us to instill the behavioural facets. They collectively inspire us to do deeds in the rightful manner; and be successful and happy.
Initially, on reading the title of the book, I imagined getting some reference to the car Ferrari as well and its story for some sort of inspirational influence. But I could not come across such a mention. Maybe such inclusion would have been in the book. Yet this is a very small desire relative to the massive topics already included; depicting how the author has looked within a human being in minute details and has convincingly inspired us about how to create one’s own life.
In view of its entire effect, this is a very much worth reading book not once but every day. It will not require much time. Nonetheless, it shall create a thought-provoking process. Many people imbibing the messages or teachings of these quotes in life will definitely help in making good mankind.