The book ‘Ecology and Environment’ is one of the fabulous master pieces written by Dr. P.D. Sharma.


The book ‘Ecology and Environment’ is one of the fabulous master pieces written by Dr. P.D. Sharma. The cover page of the book is very eye catching with the picture of Mount Everest, and Vegetation of Pines. The rich content of the book covers 24 chapters, along with Appendix, Glossary and Index. The book comprises of 660 pages.
In chapter one – ‘Introduction’ I noticed that the author had created the interest about Ecology and Environmental studies among the readers by considering fundamental minutes of the subject. In chapter two the ‘Climatic Factors’ were explained in great details which I found the important study material for students as well as researchers. Chapter three included ‘Topographic Factors’ filled with detailed account of physical geography of the earth. Chapter four was ‘Edapic’ factors in which detailed information of soil with structural component was mentioned with figures of soil texture. Soil conservation concept was well mentioned. Chapter five covered ‘Ecological Adaptations’. In this I noticed, Soil Plant Atmosphere Continuum (SPAC) as one of the innovative aspect. Chapter six contained ‘Biotic Factors’ where main focus was given on relationships among the organisms and type of interactions. In Chapter seven- ‘Autoecology of the species’ various ecological factors that affect the life were mentioned. Biological clock and Liebig’s law was well mentioned. Chapter eight – ‘Ecological Concept of Species and Individuals’ included ecological concept in lucid form with respect to Autoecology, Ecotypes, Ecads and Ecological niche. In Chapter nine – ‘Population Ecology’ embraced basic concepts of population ecology. Figures, graphic representations and statistical explanations were given in appropriate manner. Chapter ten i.e. ‘Community Ecology’ mentioned brief history of Ecology along with characteristic of community. Chapter eleven included ‘Community Dynamics’ which focused special attention on succession. In Chapter twelve ‘Ecosystem Ecology’ functional aspects of ecosystem were considered with study of atmospheric cycles. Chapter thirteen mentioned ‘Ecology and Ecosystem Modelling’ which covered detailed account of ecosystem modelling with proper figures. Chapter fourteen included ‘Habitat Ecology’ which hold study of marine water, estuarine, desert ecology and terrestrial ecology. In Chapter fifteen ‘Biogeography’ revealed interdisciplinary approach of Botany, Zoology, Ecology and Geography. Chapter sixteen: Included ‘Natural Resources and Their Conservation.’ I found this chapter, most important from conservation point of view in which special attention was given on forest conservation laws and conservation strategies. Chapter seventeen: was ‘Wild Life Management covered the fundamental study of wild life biology. This chapter covered protected areas, National parks, Biosphere reserves along with special projects and national symbols. Chapter Eighteen is ‘Energy resources’ which included study of conventional and non conventional sources of energy. Chapter Nineteen incorporated ‘Environment and Development: India’s Approach’ in which environmental challenges in India were well explained. Chapter Twenty was ‘Environmental Pollution’ which was like small booklet of pollution. I find this as the important information for higher secondary as well as under graduate students. Chapter Twenty one covered ‘Toxicology, Ecotoxicology and Public health’. The topics mentioned in the chapters were equally important in disciplines of toxicology as well as health sciences. Chapter Twenty two pertained to ‘Environment Monitoring and Impact Assessment. The essentials of environment monitoring were depicted in topic, Biological Monitoring Programme. Biological monitoring was interesting concept found elaborated in lucid form with respect to plants, animals and microbes. Environment Impact Assessment was also one of the important aspects. Chapter Twenty three hold ‘Environment Education and Organizations’ where the topics in chapter paid special attention on environment and education which is the need of present as well as future. Chapter Twenty four covered the practical manuals where the detailed account of practical’s with appropriate manuals were considered. Here the author provided the protocols of various experiments related to Environmental Science and Plant Ecology. In addition author had provided separate information in Appendix I and Appendix II. In Appendix I – Bioremediation was mentioned where as in Appendix II most valuable information related to biodiversity conservation was found given. Here the most important topics like IUCN – Red Data Book, Man and Biosphere Program along with study of environmental organizations are mentioned in lucid form. Author further added the Glossary, Selected readings and finally the Index.
Author had tried his level best to give healthy study material for students as well as researchers from various disciplines like Ecology, Environmental science, Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Geography, Geology Agriculture and Chemistry. This proves the sincere efforts taken by the author. After going through the detailed review I appreciate the hard work of the author and his valuable efforts to make the book highly informative. Due to multidisciplinary approach of book I strongly recommend this as one of the reference for school students, U.G. and P.G. students. It will also be beneficial for students, preparing for UGC–CSIR–NET, SLET, ICAR and Indian Forest Service examinations.