Failing Forward


Review By Prof Shinde Dipali Rangnath, Asst. Professor, Baburaoji Gholap College, Pune
In this book author wants us to know that the major difference between achieving people and average people is their way and perception of reacting toward failure, in this book author has taken a closer look at failure and also reveals that the secret of moving beyond failure is to take that failure as a stepping-stone Because failure teaches us invaluable lessons, we people should accept the failure and should rise above it, when you accept failure and accept responsibility you learn about yourself and your weaknesses, and when you stay honest with yourself and respect failure you will for sure grow. This amazing book Failing forward will teach us how failing can take us forward. This book starts with a preface, Becoming a Real Success,
The author tells us that people need only 4 things to become successful or to succeed, and that is Relationship, Equipping, Attitude, and Leadership, and to make it easier. The author has given it a short form that is REAL.
Failing forward kind of people always take responsibility, they always learn from their mistakes, they know and understand that yes failure is a part of success, they always maintain a positive attitude, they challenge outdated assumptions, they hard work and they never get afraid of change and take a risk for their dream and success.
The author says that success is not a destination it’s a journey, failure and success Is like two sides of a coin that work the same way, You are the only person who can give yourself a label, like will you stay as a failure or will you make yourself a failure as well as to succeed. Failure is not final.